Posted at 2020-05-24 07:19:30 — Link

Softsong the Lykos doesn't have too bad stats so I'm expecting at least 10,000 silver (preferably about 15,000) off of her. The first who asks will get her. The only exception is if your my friend, in which you would automatically get her first (sorry for the bias, people).

Quick Stats:

Gender: Female
Color: Merle Gray
Father: Mapletail
Mother: Feralfang

The Perks:

Genetic Power: Grade 3
Genes Include: Tireless Heart
Degeneration: Grade 0
Tactics Include: Leadership (x2) & Compensation

The "Oofs":

Genes Unresearched: Yes
Tactics Include: Exhaustion
Newborn: Yes (will have to wait until grown to sell) EDIT: Not newborn anymore!

Please consider Softsong as an option when thinking of buying a Lykos! Have a great day everyone! :D