Posted at 2020-01-29 20:16:52 — Link
There is an item that allows users to gain another squad. That item is currently infinite, which is not good. At all. In fact, it is broken and bad for the game.
There should be a cap (maximum) for the amount of allowed squads per account.
As it is, the game is ruled by a single user. This is not a good thing. New users, or even returning users like myself, either do or will see this and not even want to bother with the game. If people don't even want to bother with it, it's only a matter of time before they quit the site entirely.
Valuable resources and schematics are only available by trading with the moon in the Battlefield. Having an infinite amount of squads means that one single user is able to monopolize these trades, which in turn means that no one else is able to get those things unless the person monopolizing the map decides to sell them. Even if the items do get sold, however, they can be sold for far more than they should be due to only one single person ever getting them.
Limiting the amount of squads a single person can have allows for other people to actually have a chance at getting the items that are only available in the Battlefield.
There is a very large need to limit the amount of squads a single person can have. A limit of five, so two extra squads by way of using the item, would be good. People would be able to look at the map and see spaces that they can try to get, which in turn would make people actually want to play.