Posted at 2019-12-18 21:57:44 — Link

all my pets i will be selling will be in the PETS TO SELL!! tab! i will also have babys in that tab that u can request for before they grow up so i will send the private sale to u. Pick your pet and name your price and ill sell them to u!

I have the pets in trades but if u have interest in one i will take it out of trades and gladly sell it to u

Im FireAuraDragon, I changed my name for personal reasons :)

Slayer of the Auras and Queen of the Land of Phoenix

Alexas Writing Contest! (Giving Out Prizes)

Also a Deviant and GP3 Breeder!

The Fire Market- Custom Deviant Breeding!

On To The Pet Shows!

The Current Show Is A Deviant Gryphon Show!