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  • Westly
  • Posts: 55

Posted at 2013-03-06 09:30:02 — Link

Hey there!


My name's Westly. 


I'm a 32 year old, currently unemployed, video game CSR from California.  I've worked for sites like Gaia Online, and specialize in that kind of work! 


I also love breeding/capturing games such as this.  Dragonvale's my current obsession, but let's hope that we can make BeastKeeper my seconary obsession!


I love pets, and I have one Malamute, and one cat.  I'm also an artist, and draw a webcomic called Sacred Grounds along with my girlfriend, who does the inking for me, because I'm terrible at it.  I love online RP too!


I'm not very good at introductions, but, here I am! 


I'm looking to collect one of each pet, because I'm a completionist, and I'm looking forward to drawing up some custom skins.  ^_^





My Webcomic!

  • Nightingale
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 2,929

Posted at 2013-03-06 17:41:48 — Link

Hehehe.. is that a Princess Bride reference I see?

I'm terrible with lineart/inking..... It pains me....


Nice! A Malamut. I love them, though I've never personally owned one. I'm from the otherside of the coast.... Vermont (okay, we don't actually haev an ocean...).


Enjoy BK!

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Westly
  • Posts: 55

Posted at 2013-03-07 09:37:49 — Link

It IS a Princess Bride reference! can I put this kindly.  Dumb as a sack of hammers.  They're screamy, and...go woo woo woo.  They're a lot of fun though!


I've got a bay, that's the closest I get to the ocean.  ;_;


My Webcomic!

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