Boards < Advertising < Wanted Ads < Wanna be trade partners? Also looking for magnetite lol


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  • SquishCat
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  • Posts: 96

Posted at 2019-06-24 01:37:38 — Link

We could seek each other out when we need materials and such and set up trades that are more reasonable than those in item trades. My only requirement is that you're on at least twice a week! I'm on multiple times a day so don't even worry about it! Lemme know if you're interested!

And about the magnetite. I'm kinda needing it haha. Lemme know what you'd want in exchange.

Time: BK-8

I don't check the forums for updates as much as I should, so please don't be afraid to dm me for anything important or time sensitive :)

  • victoriacelestdiangelo
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Posted at 2019-09-24 20:11:33 — Link

i will but i'm in school 100% of the time i'm on

  • LadyNesryn
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  • Posts: 130

Posted at 2020-02-07 00:03:49 — Link

I am on anywhere from once to every day of the week. Please feel free to count me in!!

"In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees are contorted, twisted in wierd ways and still they are beautiful"

Alice Walker

  • SilvanusKettleburn
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  • Posts: 7

Posted at 2020-03-13 20:36:55 — Link

I'll join you - 90% of the time I'm on daily (during UTC evenings)

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