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  • AngelDog
  • User
  • Posts: 40

Posted at 2019-04-23 22:02:01 — Link

I have a symurgh, a male, and I just named him. But the name don’t show up! Here’s the link:

Here is a list of things I need, if anyone is feeling charitable-
Wood, Clay, Cotton, Lazulite, and of course, Vermillion is always good.

70% of the world thinks warrior cats is stupid. 25% say who cares. Repost if you are part of that 5% that would take a hardcover warrior cat book and slap the other people saying, "Starclan is out for revenge!" 

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2019-04-23 22:26:13 — Link

We reset the pet's name, so you may rename it again.

Looks like the same issue we had with forum threads when something on the client's side prevented normal work of the name verifying client script. We'll add a server check for empty name to avoid this happening again.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • AngelDog
  • User
  • Posts: 40

Posted at 2019-04-26 17:01:39 — Link

It's OK, really. I just thought you might wanna know!

Here is a list of things I need, if anyone is feeling charitable-
Wood, Clay, Cotton, Lazulite, and of course, Vermillion is always good.

70% of the world thinks warrior cats is stupid. 25% say who cares. Repost if you are part of that 5% that would take a hardcover warrior cat book and slap the other people saying, "Starclan is out for revenge!" 

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