Posted at 2019-02-05 06:48:24 — Link

Username: Falcor

Gender: Female

Can go by: Falcor lol

Colors: Blues, geens, black. 

Pets: I currently have a cat, she's the neediest cat I've ever met.

Fav' specie: I am but a simple human, I love dragons. However I haven't seen all the pets so as of right now, I don't have a favorite.

Fav' coloration: Brights and darks together, starry colors, edgy stuff lol.

Site goal: Max out my starting pet's level. Have all the buildings leveled up and have at least one good pet of each breed that I adore.

Where did you heard of us: Google. 

What do you think of the site? I Think it's pretty cool so far, I just hopped on. I adore the fact that our pets don't die for a change.

Saving up for: Building upgrades an dprobably other stuff that I'll eventually need. 

Most loved pet: Bellamy, my starting boi. <3

Do you already know someone on the site? ATREYUUUU!!



Fandoms:Anime, video games other stuff. You won't know everyhting unless it's brought up.

What sites do you play? Flight Rising, Dappervolk, Gryphs(kinda dead), Lyphs? (kinda dead), Wolfplay (for a short period of time), Lioden (kinda dead). 

Anything else? Please be respectful and I may be awkward because I'm a social idiot.