Posted at 2019-01-24 05:28:33 — Link

Hello! I found this site while searching for a new one to pay on the side along with my main site, and it all looks really cool. I'm a sucker for anything fantasy, and the pets here are right up my alley. You can call me by my username or just Parker, by the way. 

A bit about me I suppose would be that im a transmale who enjoys writing (poetry, RP, etc), reading (I love Tolkien, im currently reading the silmarillion if anyone has ever read it or any of his books!), and I also love to draw. Im an all around big geek, really, im into all sorts of other stuff and feel free to message me anytime! I'll try to respond as I can, though I may delay due to personal reasons :) 


Anyways, its really nice to meet you all and I hope that I wind up sticking aound for a while, it looks really neat!