Posted at 2018-12-09 03:17:57 — Link

Hi everyone ! I'll try to make this quick

Name's Ryuutsu, I love mythical beasts and pet breeding games (I'm a Howrse veteran, unicorns/pegasi have always been my fav part of the game). If I could live in a fantasy world, I would be a scholar researching strange and magical creatures *u*

In case it isn't obvious, I'm a Ravenclaw x) 

I'm currently in first year of Japanese studies, I love learning about (and simply learning) languages. I also dabble in digital arts, I'll probably be posting stuff here :) I enjoy listening to... pretty much anything. I listen to kpop but there are just so many bands... I'm a little overwhelmed by all those fabulous people *-*

If you stan an unknown group and want to share, if you like Harry Potter, linguistics, unicorns or anything else I mentioned, feel free to PM me anytime ;)