Posted at 2018-07-03 01:40:33 — Link


I'm Jhennya (Jenny, but it's not pronaunced the way english speakers do). Adult female from Finland. I've played on several different sites over the years but only one I've been active for years, usually I just lose interest at some point. And I do play other type of games as well.

But so far I've been really enjoying myself here and I even bought some gold even tho I rarely support any site before I've played months on it.... Tells I'm addicted. :D

I also managed to get my little sister to join (Zedira) and the other one is thinking of trying this game too. Let's hope she decides to join as well.

I'm friendly and I don't bite, if I don't answer right away I am just busy elsewhere.

I won't be as active as I've been now when my summer break stops, but lets hope I find time and energy to play after it too. 

I'm completely in love with Lykos and Symurghs. <3 

And if I buy a pet from you and don't keep it, it might be that I bought it as a gift to my little sister (or the other one if she joins too). Zedira isn't as fluent with english as I am and she is really shy, so she gets easily stressed if she needs to talk to someone. So I often do things for her and ask around if I can't help her with something. 

I don't usually do these intruduction posts but this game seems quite complex and I would like to see what kind of community you have here. :) So... hi! :D

 edit: Oh and I have a cat and rats at the moment. :) Animal lover in real life too.