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  • Malfunction
  • User
  • Posts: 46

Posted at 2013-03-03 23:59:24 — Link

Using: Firefox v16.0.2

Came upon a Cartogropher's Guild blueprint, so I opened a new tab to check the trading market to see if I should spend the 5000, or if I can get it cheaper.

I see a lot for 2000, so I bid, and the page refreshes and my money seems to have been deducted -7000, seems when I go back to the explore tab, it seems to have autobought the item even though I did not press Yes. So now I have 2 blueprints, and doubt I can resell one for 5000. ):

The popups like that one seem to autoclose whenever I go to a different browser tab (beastkeeper site or not). But this is the first time it made me buy something.


  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-03-04 03:02:17 — Link

We reproduced the environment (same OS and your restored userdata) and didn't find any problems. If you have constant issues with closing overlay popups when navigating somewhere else and other users do not have them, it seems that the problem is on your side.

We advice you to check your keyboard - it may happen that some of the keys are stucking (Esc, Ctrl, Tab, Enter, Space) or on the contrary too tight. For example, Tab is used to navigate between submit buttons on the page, and Space works like Enter. If you use Ctrl+Tab to navigate between browser tabs, you could set the focus on the "OK" button and do not notice this.

If you're an artist and using graphic tablet, please check that there are no foreign objects on it's working area (especially if this is Wacom - I'm using their Bamboo and can say that they are very sensitive even for the smallest things that barely touch the corner, and the buttons are very easy to click by accident too).

We returned you 5000 Silver Coins and took away the spare blueprints.

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