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  • Pompeii
  • User
  • Posts: 3

Posted at 2017-04-11 19:57:36 — Link

What exactly is with the stars for ther heritage? I noticed some have like a reddish star and others have yellow stars. It can't be for being purebred because you can't mix species.

I have been wondering what these were so I could learn how to work with them.

  • RainbowCat
  • User
  • Posts: 109

Posted at 2017-04-11 21:31:33 — Link

Pompeii (#58736) wrote:

What exactly is with the stars for ther heritage? I noticed some have like a reddish star and others have yellow stars. It can't be for being purebred because you can't mix species.

I have been wondering what these were so I could learn how to work with them.

Hey there! The stars in the heritage can mean two things. When it's green, it means genetic power. Genetic power, also known as GP, is a positive effect in breeding, and it can accumulate to three grades. When it is a red star, it means degeneration, which is inbreeding, and is negative to the pet (such as red characteristics, or bad genes) This also can accumulate to three grades.

For a more in depth explanation, you should probably look at these guides:
Timain is a very experienced player and she's made many other guides!

Lastly, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me!

- RainbowCat

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