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  • thezubat
  • User
  • Posts: 8

Posted at 2017-04-06 06:07:48 — Link

I have noticed that when I make a post that there will be words missing or even entire lines of text. There are even spaces added in the post that were not wanted or added by the author. 

It's really annoying when you type a lot of text out, post it and chunks of it are missing randomly throughout. I've never seen anything like that and I'm not even sure what kind of coding issue it is or would be... but I would suuuper appriciate it being looked into and fixed. 



  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2017-04-06 19:44:19 — Link

Could you please provide the source code of a post which gets something missing after submitting? You can get it by clicking "HTML" button in the text editor before submitting. I will check which parts are trimmed after submitting and why.

Most likely this is just wrong formatting or suspicious code that our text editor tries to fix. Invalid html and css may corrupt the text. This may happen, for example, when it is copied and pasted from other sources. The text editor will try to close all unclosed tags, fix the css syntax and other things like that to make the code valid, but obviously there may be errors. Third-party includes and scripts are trimmed for security reasons.

You may switch the default Rich Text Editor to Plain Text in your Preferences  to ensure that no undesired formatting will be applied. Everything that you see in plain text mode will be posted as is plus default site typography and colors.

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