Posted at 2016-12-03 19:04:16 — Link
- Angel
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- arete
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Posted at 2016-12-03 19:55:26 — Link
Aww I love them!!!!!
Will there be cuter baby unicorns? Because I'd love a cuter unicorn.
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Random acts of senseless kindness.
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2016-12-03 20:02:12 — Link
Thank you!
Baby unicorns are getting a revamp as well :)
- Marans
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- Posts: 400
Posted at 2016-12-03 20:33:28 — Link
Eee, they're gorgeous! Lovely fur texture. Looking forward to seeing more babies later.
- Sylviianel
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- Posts: 791

Posted at 2016-12-04 02:00:54 — Link
If this sort of revamp is in store for the other creatures in each of their adult and baby forms then the concern I know a lot of us were having about the Dragons being out of place among the other creatures won't be a concern anymore.
The detail is really being amped up here, setting is miles apart from what we've come to know from BeastKeeper and it's amazing. I have faith that every other aspect of the BeastEon will continue to improve, helping to make it the game you always wanted BeastKeeper to be.
For everyone on the development team, be it art, coding, or what have you, keep up the incredible work!
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2016-12-10 16:18:05 — Link
A new base for puma cub is finished! Check the first post for previews.
- Marans
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- Posts: 400
Posted at 2016-12-10 21:08:59 — Link
Ahh, the pumas are even better than the lykoses! This base almost looks photo-realistic. Very impressive.
It would be cool if the same artist went over both of the adult bases, keeping the body shapes but changing the shading/fur texture to match these babies.
- Sylviianel
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- Posts: 791

Posted at 2016-12-10 23:45:22 — Link
Marans definitely has a point I fully agree with.
Having the official site art done by one individual will do wonders in establishing the style associated with the site. While both artists did an absolutely stunning job, I believe you can tell that the baby art and the new dragon base, despite both being incredible with the detailing, were done by different artists. They each approached the task with their own unique, individual art style, and it shows. As Marans put it, these babies have a photo-realistic look to them, one that the adult dragon simply does not have. However that does not make the dragon inferior to them at all. It's just a different art style. The artwork for the monsters, while still excellent in its own right, is also different. They all have a glossier, shiny look to their art, and much thicker lines, making them stand out from the art of the Beasts.
Now, as for the babies.... I can not wait to see a baby Cockatrice done in this style! Or perhaps a Roc; while the Puma and Lykos babies are absolutely adorable I'm interested in seeing a non-furry baby made in this style.
- Marans
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- Posts: 400
Posted at 2016-12-11 01:04:15 — Link
Sylviianel - agreed, it would be amazing if everything was totally consistent. Imagine all the beasts and monsters having such details in their fur, feathers, scales!
I think it might be difficult to find such an artist though. Most are focused in an area (like feline/canine, or dragons, or designing creature concepts) and drawing all the beasts, plus the alien-looking monsters, would be tough. Oh, and the backgrounds in battle scenes, and probably lots more scenery and objects around the game that we haven't seen yet...
There are some ultra-talented professional concept artists out there, who can probably manage anything perfectly, but it might be extremely expensive to hire them?
Instead, I guess the strategy is just to find and hire a good (and affordable) artist for each area. So things might not be 100% consistent, but at least they'll look very pretty in their own way. And remember, things can always be edited later - like softening the thick monster outlines, I hope that happens eventually too.
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2016-12-11 11:33:11 — Link
Unfortunately, it's not possible to have one artist create all art.
Marans is completely right here when saying that all artists are specialized in a certain area. The artist who created these two baby bases has the focus on fluffy mammals and won't be interested in drawing reptiles or arthropods not talking about monsters. The artist who created the new dragon lineart doesn't work with realistic shading, and the current shading was done by another person. We can only hire people who are great in their scope and try to tone down the differences where possible.
- MissAkito
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- Posts: 44
Posted at 2017-01-01 06:57:43 — Link
These are SO cute! I'm in love with both designs, especially the baby pumas! This just boosted my excitement over this project tenfold!
- Angelthewarrior
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- Posts: 19
Posted at 2017-01-02 22:13:23 — Link
Any idea when they will come out?
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2017-01-03 10:41:49 — Link
Tentative alpha date is autumn 2017.
- Nightingale
- Moderator
- Posts: 2,929

Posted at 2017-01-09 22:13:36 — Link
These are fantastic. I love them and I do actually like the different styles. I agree about an artist having a speciality... While I'll draw animals, and attempt most kinds...I wont' try to pretend I can draw people!!
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