Posted at 2016-12-01 01:17:53 — Link
I'm currently looking for art of one (or two characters depending. However for now, only one.) If I get updated on the other character, will add it in.
I rarely get on here, so am willing to offer anything I currently have.

Currently I have:
Silver: 108,429 | Gold: 14
Any pet(s) I currently have.
Quartz Quantity: 2
Rainbow Jar Quantity: 1
Scheme: Laminaria golem Quantity: 1
Scheme: Sunflower golem Quantity: 1
Shell Quantity: 63
Soapshroom Quantity: 15
Stone Quantity: 178
Vermillion Quantity: 105
Wood Quantity: 15
100% DCA Quantity: 1
Adamantine Quantity: 36
Amethyst Quantity: 4
Amnesia Potion Quantity: 3
Animal Proteins Quantity: 39
Bamboo Berries Quantity: 4
Blueprints: Astrologist (lvl 1) Quantity: 1
Blueprints: Astrologist (lvl 3) Quantity: 2
Cactus Melon Quantity: 2
Change Sex Quantity: 1
Clay Quantity: 9
Cotton Quantity: 57
Cuttlefish Ink Quantity: 33
Dragon Maple Quantity: 5
Energy Drink Quantity: 6
Glowshroom Quantity: 5
Granite Quantity: 7
Heart Fruit Quantity: 5
Laminaria Quantity: 32
Lazulite Quantity: 7
License Quantity: 4
Magnetite Quantity: 3
Marble Quantity: 43
Mutagen Quantity: 1
Nutpea Quantity: 5
Ore Quantity: 3
Plant Fats Quantity: 6
Plant Proteins Quantity: 4
- Corzy, the mutt.