Thank you so much! I cannot tell you what that means to me :D
- I've actually been really busy as of late, and am happy to report that I have a bunch of custom skins approved now;
New Custom Skins Aproved:
Small statured Lykos with few horns, here resting and howling to greet their friends.
(Aproved, Shared, 5000 Silver)
Unicorns with short and stubby manes.
(Aproved, Shared, 5000 Silver)
Unicorns with flowing manes.
(Aproved, Shared, 1 Gold)
Skylight Flowmanes:
Unicorns with flowing manes and colours themed after the sky. (Sunset & Twillight - more may follow.)
(Aproved, Shared, 1 Gold)
Unicorns with long manes and tails, so long they drag across the ground.
(Aproved, Shared, 1 Gold)
Unicorns with long manes and tails, so long they drag across the ground. Some say that unicorns came from the sea, and that they were at first the foam on top of the waves. In any case, Mer-corns for you all.
(Aproved, Shared, 1 Gold)