Posted at 2016-09-04 05:19:34 — Link

I once had a dream where I was In a big house and I had to escape a chicken that could not go up the stairs and the justice leauge came in but back then I didn't know what the justice leauge was.

I have a reoccuring dream where I am in a china(the dishes) castle and it begins to rain purple demon monkeys and then there is a huge wave and me and my parents escape and one or both of them die and whoever remains crawls into a hobbit hole to hide then comes out and I wake up. This was before I saw the hobbit or lord of the rings.

You need to read Spirit Animals to understand this one. After I read The Book of Shane I had a dream just like Shane's in the book except for the room with nectar and the stuff after it. I was walking through a castle filled will spiders and I went into a room with a bowl of nectar in it and the spiders told me to drink it so I did and there was a bright flash of light that meant I summoned a spirit animal but then I woke up before I could see it. I know the book caused it but its still a weird dream.

