Posted at 2014-07-29 00:16:28 — Link

Dragons go Deviant
The Association of Breeders proudly presents deviant colors for Dragons! Please visit List of Skins and select "Dragon" section to view catalogue of the available variants.
Just like in case with Unicorns, these new shiny colors can be produced only through thorough breeding and with a dash of luck.
A reminder how to get a deviant color:
You need to select parents that carry same color or/and pattern genes. A baby born as homozygous (carrying two copies of the same gene) for color or pattern has a 1/10 chance to develop a deviant color when maturing. This mutation is phenotypic and not inherited by the offsprings of an affected pet. A gene that produces a deviant phenotype will be marked with a star.
The color name of such pet gets an asterisk (*) symbol to mark the deviation.
The only way to breed a pet with both deviant color and pattern is to choose very specific parents. One of the parents should have deviant color and the second one should have deviant pattern. The chances of getting a deviation on each color parameter still remains 1/10 so the babies with double deviation are extremely rare and valuable.
Deviant colors are available only through breeding. Wild pets can't have deviant colors.
It's not possible to get a deviant color by using Mutagen but it's possible to lose it in this way. The same concerns color mutation with the help of Forest Alchemist.
The basic Dragon skins have slight base and color updates.